Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 69

The next time I woke, I was hanging back up in my usual position. My eyes were wrapped with gauze from my nose up to my forehead. The pounding in my head was the same. It happened every time they put me under. It would take days for it to go away. I took stock of my body. Toes moved. Fingers moved. Muscles in my legs and arms were tight but could move. I had been out for a while then just hung up to dry.

"It's awake, sir."

My brow furrowed and I cocked my head slightly. Usually there wasn't someone in here watching. It was only just a guard check. There was another few moments and the door opened to the right of me.

"Well, well. It survived at least."

A door swung open and I could smell their cologne as they got closer.

"You alive, mutt?"

I didn't say anything. They grabbed my chin and yanked me up. I could feel their breath fan on skin and it made me convulse.

"We fixed your voice so you could speak. Didn't they once hail you as the best singer? What was it? 'She could charm a fey'? Isn't that what they said? Come, mutt, sing for me."

Smirking, I took a breath and spit right in his face. His hand came across my cheek but I felt no pain.

"Still fight! Still obstinate! Honestly, if I hadn't seen Micah do it, I would have thought it was impossible. But we will. You will be ours. Don't you worry." He disappeared from in front of me as his footsteps lead out of the room or cell I was being kept in. The door slammed shut, the sound making me wince as the headache was still drilling into my head. My head fell and I sagged against the chains. I let the darkness take me again.

The door slammed open to the room. I shrunk away from the sound into the wall. There were multiple people coming in. I tried to lift myself up but I was so weak and tired, I couldn't even manage to lift my head.

"Sir, are you ready?"

A man spoke as someone tapped a pen on his clipboard. "Yes, of course. Today we get to see if our operation worked."

Someone else stepped forward. From their cold hands, they were a vampire, but from the smell of their perfume it was a woman. Her hands came up and nimbly took off the bandages around my head. She pulled them off carefully but my eyes were still shut. They felt like they were glue together.

"Get me the alcohol."

Moments later, a cold, wet towel brushed against my eyes and my nose was assaulted by the smell of pure alcohol. At first, she was gentle but then she started to scrub. I growled when it felt like she was peeling my skin.

"Most of the glue has been removed. I will remove the stitches now."

Cold metal brushed against my skin and there was the snip of the shears. It pulled my eyelids together and I hadn't really tried to open my eyes, but I was glad I didn't. Considering they were not only glued by stitched shut. The pulling of the stitches finally came out and I sighed.

"Open your eyes now."

It still felt like I was lifting weights with my eyelids but when I was finally able to crack them open, I squeezed them shut. Light filtered through them and it hurt.

"Open your eyes." The order came harsher this time.

I tried opening them again, the bright lights seemingly burning my eyes. Blinking a few times, I realized that the light calmed down enough for me to see figures. They were blurry but they were there. Tears filled my eyes and spilled over. I could see. For the first time since I was four, I could see with my own eyes.

A bright light shined in them and I winced back but a hand held my chin forward.

"She's reacting to the light, which is a good sign. Pupils are dilating and eyes are adjusting."

"Which eyes did we end up going with?"

"One of the fey we had captured. She was powerful and it seemed her power was emanating from her eyes, which is why we chose them. She still had power when we removed them, therefore we felt these were optimal."

The woman pulled my chin up and I could see her blurry face. She must have been turned in her early twenties. Her glasses sat low on her nose, which turned up slightly.

"It looks like there will still be some time before the optic nerves have the chance to completely heal. Also make a note that they are on longer the original silver color but have changed to an amber color."

"Will she be able to have access to both powers?"

The woman stepped away, and someone else stepped up with her and they were leaning over, consulting something. "We don't know yet. With it being fey magic, we don't know how it would trigger that. We also don't know how the Alpha King power is triggered."

"Boss will be happy that the surgery was a success so far. This bodes well for the big one.

"Agreed." She replied and stepped away from me.noveldrama

Without another word, they all filtered out out of the room and slammed the door shut. Leaving me to stare at the grey interior of my cell. Tears started to overflow again and I squeezed me eyes shut. It was too much. I couldn't understand any of this. Why they were doing this to me? Why were they fixing me? None of this made sense.

I was woken up by freezing cold water this time. My body shivered and I sputtered, coughing out water that I had breathed in.

"Wake up you mangy mutt. The boss wants to speak to you."

Taking a couple deep breaths, I did my usual muscle check. Today it seemed my hands were more numb than usual. They hadn't taken me down to do an experiment or torture in a while. The vampires liked to shove their dick in me while I was hanging so that was all that had been done to me between the last surgery. I wondered which boss was deciding to show up.

The door opened and I heard multiple people come in. I tried to place how many but in my weakened state and without wanting to open my eyes, I could only listen to where they were. There were a couple chairs being dragged on the floor. Two chairs were placed inside the room and now I could hear five separate footsteps. My nose picking up different smells but the biggest smell was blood.

"It's so good to see you again, my dear."

I growled. I knew that voice. My heart hammered in my chest and I strained against the chains. That voice belonged to ex-High Councilor Oran. We had found out his involvement with the BloodHunter Coven after we had eradicated the coven. It turns out, he had his hand in a lot of bloody things. He was an elder and as such, Oran was on the top of my list to kill.

Oran had been the one to issue the blue scroll to Logan's parents and decided the punishment. I allowed Logan to take the kill while I hunted down Jasper, the other High Councilor vampire member. Logan said he was dead. I didn't have a reason to doubt him. Now, I understood how our pack ended up as guinea pigs. Where the Nova came from. That connection when it wasn't the Darkry pack. Anger spilled out of me.

"Oh look, the little wolf is angry. Did your mate lie to you? Did you think I was dead? Poor little huntress."

I growled. Straining more, I tried pulling against the chains. Using what little strength I had to try and get my hands around this vampire's neck.

He tisked and chuckled. "My dear, you can't even move. Let alone kill me. No no. In fact, I want you to sing for me. Just like you used to in the old days."

I snorted. Did he really think I would sing for him? My body fell a little as I stopped straining. He was right. There was no way I could kill him now. Coming in here, I had accepted that I would die here. My life had been lived. There was nothing really further I needed to do. Vale now had his mate by his side, a pack. My girls were mated and off in a different pack. My own pack and family were too far for me to reach now. I thought that my purpose had been fulfilled.

Yet, here Oran was, handing me a breath of fresh air. A slap to the face telling me I was not done yet. I had not wiped the table clean for my family. If there was only one thing left for me, it would be removing Oran's head from his body. It excited me. Filled me with a vigor and a life I hadn't felt in a while.

"Bring him forward please. I think our dear Huntress is being stubborn and needs some motivation."

I heard laughter and then a body being thrown. It hit the floor, seemingly unconscious. My nails started to dig into my skin. Did they think they could break me by bringing someone from my pack? Even if they threw Logan in front of me they would get nothing.

"The silver please."

There was shuffling and then the smell of burning flesh filled my nose. The screams followed. My body went cold and I felt all the blood drain from my face. My hands started to shake as my nails dug further in my skin.

"We found this one not too long ago. Sniffing around another facility. He was alone and honestly, it took someone else to point out who he was. That he could actually be of some use to us."

Hector's scream settled down into a whimper. My body shook. Oran laughed, most-likely seeing my reaction.

"I didn't think it would work this well. Is he special to you, Huntress? Is he a lover now that your mate has abandoned you? Please, enlighten us! What would you be willing to do for him, little wolf?"

His screams filled the room again and I jerked against the chains. Solely running on adrenaline, my only thoughts were of protecting him. My beta. My friend. The man who continued to love me no matter the shit I pulled.

I knew he loved me. Ever since he was assigned to me back when I first arrived at the pack. I knew but I thought it would phase out. That he would find his mate and I would no longer be the focus of his love. Hector never got to be with his mate, and somehow he didn't hate me for it either. He supported me and never crossed the line, knowing Logan was my fated mate.

Over the years, our friendship deepened to more than just friends. We had a platonic relationship that couldn't be rivaled. When Logan started to turn on Vale, it was Hector who helped step up to fill that hole. When Logan turned his back on me, it was Hector who continued to protect me and make me feel loved.

The only person who I would break for was him. Oran had done it. Inadvertently, he found my weakness. The same weakness that Max was to me. Someone that I loved and cherished.

"It seems like he never has been tortured before. I thought the Huntress surrounded herself with people who were tough and the same as you, broken and fucked up. But then here is this wolf, he cries and screams at the smallest of pains. I didn't even need to pull his claws out to get him to tell me that he loved you." Oran laughed again, seemingly finding our position amusing.

The screams finally subsided and I felt the tears fall from my cheeks. I fought hard against the chains and they rattled as the brushed against one


"Now now, Huntress, calm down. I won't torture him. As long as you listen to me. Is that understood?"

Desperately, I tried to pull harder. I felt my muscles strain and my shoulder starting to dislocate as I pulled. His screams filled the air again.


I nodded, my body sagging further as I gave up against the fight. He needed to be okay. He couldn't go through this. Hector couldn't become like me.

He was my light. My star and my guide when I knew I was slipping away. If all it took was my obedience, then they would have it.

"Alright, little huntress. Now that you understand the position you are in. I want you to sing." He hummed for a moment. "I want you to sing that number...oh what was was Maximillion's favorite. The one in Italian that you sang when he died."

The lump in my throat got bigger. I had refused to sing it over the years. It was Max's favorite and after that day, the song was placed in a special shelf. I didn't listen to it. Didn't sing it. Except once every year on the anniversary of his death I would sing it in my head but never in day to day. Never to this asshole.

Hector took a sharp breath and laughed. "She can't speak, you idiot. One of the boys from your crew nearly killed her. Took out her voice. You're asking the..." Hector didn't finished the sentence as he screamed. Whatever they were using most likely pressed against him.

"Are you going against me, Huntress?"

My throat felt dry. I licked my cracked and dry lips. Slowly, I shook my head.

"Good." The screaming stopped and I heard Hector cough and gulp in breaths. There were two snaps. "Give her a glass of water and let her drink it. If her throats dry, she can't sing."

It was only a minute before a glass of water was pressed to my lips and I drank greedily. I didn't know how many days since I had water. The glass tipped up and I licked my broken and chapped lips.

“Sing, Huntress. Or I will make this wolf go through such excruciating pain that he won't know his up from his down. Maybe I'll even turn him against


Taking a deep breath, I straightened myself out, trying to take the weight off my chest a bit. Surprisingly, the words came out smoothly. My throat was itchy and I knew I didn't have a second song in me but I could do this one. My own voice filled my ears and I wanted to cry. Twenty years, since being able to sing; being able to speak aloud.

The room had gone silent as I sang. Out of all of it, it was breathing deep for the longer notes that was the hardest. My hanging position was not allowing me to take a full breath. At points the words came out in hushed whispers. But I continued until the end. There was silence that followed and after a few minutes, a chair moved. But it was Hector who spoke first.

"Auri...Auri...I love you. I..."

I smiled sadly. "And I you."

"Lock him up next to her. I want him to see her. But I don't want them to be able to touch to each other. No one touch him either. " Oran barked out orders and I could hear them drag Hector.

Tears started to fall again, knowing how they were going to torture him. It would be me. What they had been doing to me was enough to make him lose his mind and I cried. He didn't need to see the kind of things they put me. My body sagged and I felt my wrists dislocate. I was too tired. Everything felt heavy and sleep took me over.

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