Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 85

"Where is Vale?!" I growled, looking down at the two pups in my arms. Both of them were crying, and had been for the past 10 minutes.

I'd bathed both of them, only to find out that we were somehow out of diapers. I sent Vale to go get diapers before I finished their bath to go into town. It didn't take that long to drive across the road and into the grocery store. Hushing both of them, I bounced them up and down.

"You're okay. Daddy's got you. It's okay." I moved around, trying to calm them and myself at the same time.

'Vale! Where the fuck are you?'

There was no rely to the mindlink. Taking a deep breath, I moved around the room adding more motion to the bounce and hushing.

Usually, they were really good. Bryan said we were lucky. That the two of them seemed for more content and inquisitive that other pups he had been around. They were happy to be together and were acutely aware if one was out of the room. If we did separate them for more than five minutes, there would be meltdowns from both of them. But right now, it was understandable why they were upset.

"Everything okay?" I turned and saw Hector peaking in the nursery door.

I growled at him.

He opened the door and walked in. "Faris, relax. I'm only here to help."

My eyes widened and I didn't even realize Faris had stepped forward. In my frustration, he must have stepped forward to help. Either way, we couldn't escape their heart-wrenching cries.

"Sorry Hector. I didn't realize...Vale should have been back by now."

He hummed and nodded. "Here, let me." Reaching out, he took Reagan. She hiccuped and quieted as he held her. Hearing his sister quiet, Rowan also stopped crying.

"How? How do you do it?" I mused, still rocking Rowan through his hiccups.

"Don't ask. Considering I won't have pups of my own, I never understood why they were always taken to me." He chuckled.

I looked up from my gaze at Rowan in my arms. "You don't know that, Hector. There is still time.”

Laughing, he shook it head. “I'm too old for a lot of things. That is one of them. Let me take care of these kiddos and leave it at that.”

Placing Reagan on the changing table, he pulled out a large burp cloth. Nuzzling her and getting a bubbled gurgle out of her, he deftly wrapped the cloth around her back and legs. He tied the end in a cute little bow and lifted her up. Swapping her with Rowan, he did the same with him.

"They won't last long without liners. But at least it will hold them over till you can get the diapers." Hector bounced Rowan, having him sit up on one arm, while holding him straight with the other. "You okay? You want Bryan and I to take them to give you a break?"

I shook my head. “I'm okay. I just couldn't get them to stop crying. Thanks."

Nodding, he tickled Rowan's feet who squirmed and giggled. It made me smile and I did the same with Reagan.

“Have you talked to Morgan lately? He hasn't been around. I could have swore he said he was going to be by last week."

Hector sighed. “Yeah. He ended up on a mission. I think Auri may have called him for his help on the lasted hit."

And I thought Hector and Vale's relationship was strained. Whenever Hector talked about Auri, it seemed to be even worse. There was still love in his heart for her, but you could tell there was something very strained in their relationship. Reagan babbled and blew bubbles. Lifting up the edge of my shirt, I wiped the drool from her chubby little cheeks.

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"You sound like Morgan."

I raised an eyebrow. "Maybe because he's right?"

"I don't think so. No I don't. No I don't." There is something to be said about a wolf as large and muscular as Hector, baby talking to a five month old. "Hector."

He looked up at me, his chin still resting on Rowan's head. "Hm?"

"She's your best friend. You love her and I know she loves you. You shouldn't be so stubborn about reaching out to her. Like sure, she's busy burning down buildings but can't you forgive her for leaving you? Didn't Morgan say she's trying to talk to you? Wouldn't it be worth hearing her out?"


It was a single word but the tone behind it said a lot. It was said so quickly and so fiercely I expected to be looking at Rydere. There was no sign of his wolf though. Just a grimace as he started down at Rowan.


The thickness that hung in the air for that minute dissipated and we both turned to look at Geo, one of the recently promoted captains. He was fantastic in a fight, smart too, but he was meek in every other scenario. His head was bowed and he looked like I was going to murder him. "Geo, I'm not Alpha anymore. Head up. We talked about this."

He nodded and stood up, but still didn't open the door any further. "I'm sorry, Alpha. I mean Luna. I mean..."

"Zeke, please. Just Zeke."

He shifted nervously. "Yes sir."

Hector chuckled from behind me. "Out with it Geo. Before you piss him off."

His face paled. “I...yes, sir. Um...Alpha.....Alpha King.....h-he.....said that you might get mad and t-to prepare myself.”

My eyes narrowed. "And why would he tell you that?"

Geo opened the door and picked up the two boxes on the floor, placing them just inside the room. "H-he asked m-me to give those to you." Hector came up next to me and took Reagan from me, backing away slowly to further into the room once he had both pups.

"Why would he do that? Did you run into him at the store?" I asked in hopes that my train of thought was incorrect.

“No. I just was off today and he asked me to come and deliver the boxes."

My hands went to my hips. "Where is Vale, Geo?"noveldrama

“H-he said he had to go. The council called and needed him on a plane asap. He left for the airport."

Throwing my hands up, I let out a growl. "I knew it! He lasted two months! Two months! Of course he fucking goes off. He can never say no! I'm standing here in shambles waiting for diapers and he's already on a plane to goddess knows where!"

Moving Geo to the side, I stormed down the stairs. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Vale's number. It rang a couple times and I could imagine him looking down, weighing the choice to pick up. He knew it would be worse for him if he didn't pick up, which on the fourth ring, he did.


"Don't you 'Zeke' me! You said you weren't going to do this! You promised me!"

Vale on the other end sighed. "I know. I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't necessary. Trust me. I don't want to go."

"Then don't go! Send someone! Literally anyone. It's..."

He cut me off. "A pack got attacked."

"And? Yes, packs have gotten attacked before. That doesn't mean you specifically need to go.

"Zeke, Mark died."


My mouth opened but no words came out. Brow furrowing, I leaned against the stool in the kitchen.

"High Councilor Mark?"

"Yeah. He was working with the pack when it got attacked. I'm headed over to that pack now."

I rubbed my eyes and trying to wrap my head around what he said. "How many others?"

"None. Just him."

My head cocked to the side slightly. "What do you mean just him? I thought you said the pack got attacked."

There was another sigh and Vale was quiet for a moment. "I'm being told it was my mother. My mother came through, first demanding the pack to turn over Mark. When they did not, she attacked. There were some injuries but no loss of life for the pack. Only Mark, who she'd been focus on, was killed. After she did, she just left doing no further damage."

My mouth had dropped open and my eyes flickered back and forth, trying take in the information. Auri had killed a High Councilor. The repercussions of that were astronomical. This was really bad and depending on how the news would twist it; it could be much worse.

"Are you sure? That it was her?"

"They described a white wolf and a woman with snow white hair. My mother is the only other white wolf. Plus, she's the only one who could attack a pack on her own but only kill one person that she's looking for."

I sat fully on the stool, putting my feet up and leaning over. "There has to be a reason..."

"It doesn't matter, Zeke. She's killed a High Councilor. She's going to have to answer for that."

"Vale, you can't fight Auri."

There was silence over the line for a while. "I've already okayed the High Council to put a bounty on her head. Requested alive but if not..." "VALE!" I sat up straight. "That's your mom!"

I looked up and Hector was looking at me over the railing of the second floor, both pups in his hands. His eyes were on me as he bounced slightly, an eyebrow raised.

"I have to. This isn't something I can let slide. The labs and how many she's attacked already put a strain on everything. But this...attacking a pack, killing a High Councilor and a werewolf at that? It's too much, Zeke. I don't want to have to go that far but I have to..."

"And if she dies? You're just okay with that?"

The phone was quiet for another few seconds. "I have to be. These were her decisions and they have consequences."

"VALE!" Again, I yelled at him.

"I know Zeke! I fucking know! I have to go. I grabbed the earliest flight and it's boarding now."

Sighing, I rubbed my eyes. "Be safe. Come home soon."

"I will."

"When you get back, the pups are all yours. Maybe I'll go on a vacation."

Vale chuckled. "Sounds good. Hold down the fort. I love you."

"And I you."

The line went dead and I dropped my hand down to my lap, holding the phone with two hands. I let myself just breathe, feeling my chest expand with

every inhale.

"You have to warn her, Hector."

There was silence for a moment. "She knows what she was doing. Despite my attitude, I trust her inexplicably."

“That's not it!" I looked up wildly, Faris growling for a moment as he stepped forward. "It's literally dead or alive! The guild..."

Hector chuckled. "The guild isn't going to do shit, Zeke. Do you remember who runs the guild?"

My eyes widened. "Morgan..."

"Exactly. The merc guild, if anything, will warn members that if they try to claim that bounty they will be removed from the guild. That's if they are lucky enough to still have their lives after attacking Auri. It will have to be handled directly through the High Council and goddess knows how everyone feels about them right now."

I sat back, running my hand through my hair. "So what you're saying is..."

"It's futile. No one is going to do shit unless it's Vale or other High Council members themselves. And let's be honest, none of them would be a match for her. She would chew them up and spit them out. I understand where Vale is coming from and the pressure he's getting but he's wholly unprepared for this battle. Auri will win."

Going up the stairs, I took Rowan from Hector and held him close to my chest. "Would Auri hurt him, if he found her? If Vale managed to track her


"Auri would teach him a lesson, but not kill him." Hector sighed, patting Reagan's back. She burped and he smiled, staring down at her face. "Vale will be fine. Frustrated most likely but if he's chosen this way forward, it means he's lost faith in her. That's more damaging to the both of them than


"I can't understand why. Why either of them would take this route. We've got so much going on, this isn't necessary. Battles that we don't need."

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