Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Drake’s Story Chapter 26

She flushed but her eyes heated. Then she threw me for a loop. She said, “I…uh…won a few riding awards. For riding horses and uh, riding…um…mechanical bulls.”

I just about tripped over my tongue, “You’re shitting me.”

She got pinker in the cheeks, chewed her lower l*p as if pondering something, and then gave her head a shake and said, “Can I see your phone? I don’t know if it’s still there but…can I?”

I passed her my phone and she opened the YouTube app and typed in “Juneau Ace Roadhouse bikini mechanical bull winner 2012”

She certainly had my attention.

She scrolled and then tapped the screen. I moved closer to her and cupped my hand above the phone to block the sun and get a better view.

It was a loud and crowded bar and the camera zoomed in on the bull and a girl got on. It was her. The filming quality wasn’t great but I knew it was her instantly.

She was in cut-off jean shorts so short they were practically bikini bottoms and a red bikini top and had bare feet and her hair in ringlets. She had heavy make-up on and a red and white checked bandana around her throat with a tan cowboy hat on.

The music started and she threw the hat and then it was like a choreographed number the way she moved on that thing. She gyrated, rode the waves, she whipped her hair around in time to the music, and the attitude on her face? It wasn’t super close-up but I could see it and f**k. Ho…lee…f**k. I watched the 3 and a half minute video f*****g mesmerized.

That girl, the girl on the mechanical bull with the sass, with the hot body, the wild red hair, she could seriously be my f*****g dream girl. Add that girl to the girl I knew here and I’d be golden. No settling.

The video started with the bull moving rhythmically to the music, her putting on a sexy show, but in the last minute it really gave her a run for her money the way it spun and jerked but she held on and she f*****g owned that thing.

When it ended the crowd roared with applause and started chanting. She stood up on the bull and did a fancy backflip coming off it and the crowd went wilder.

I couldn’t make out what they were chanting and leaned in to hear better but she exited out of the screen and then handed me my phone. Our eyes met.

Angel’s POV

I felt more than a little embarrassed. I couldn’t believe I’d shown him that. Maybe I was trying to give him something, since I’d been so closed off about my past and he’d been open with me about his ex-fiancé.

I turned it off as the crowd started to chant my name and passed him the phone. When our eyes met I just about passed out because the look on his face, oh my gosh, he was looking at me like he was going to f**k me right there on the grass in front of the ducks, seagulls, and horses and whoever else happened on by.

I felt a hot little whoosh in my panties. He got to his feet and reached for my hand, his eyes holding mine captive.

I started to slowly get up, reaching for his outstretched hand hesitantly, but he grabbed it and squeezed, heaving me upwards to my feet, “We need privacy. Now.”

Holy s**t.

I guess my Master liked my bull-riding skills.

Drake rushed me to his SUV. I had to jog to keep up with his purposeful strides. He got me to the passenger door and then I was pinned against it and his mouth was on mine and his fingers were forcefully in my hair. I m****d into his mouth. He dragged himself away and his eyes were heated. Holy moly, were they ever.

He shook his head and curled his lips like he was supremely pissed all of a sudden and I felt my body jerk tight as I saw a muscle jumping in his cheek. I dropped my eyes to the ground and felt my shoulders slump.

“I’ll fuckin’ kill them,” he growled.

I let out a staggered breath.

“Get in the car,” he snarled and I stepped away and he opened the door and I did what I was told. He slammed it.

He drove back to his condo like an angry lunatic racecar driver. He took my hand as I stepped out of the SUV and not looking at me strode to the elevator, still radiating fury. Inside of it, once the doors closed, he took his keychain and then thrust a key into a keyhole on the button panel for an express ride up and then hit his floor button and we started to go up.

He didn’t look at me. He stared at the buttons lighting our way upwards, still holding my hand. His hold was gentle but his face was radiating anger more intensely than I’d seen from him so far.

The elevator stopped on his floor and then when the elevator doors opened before I knew what was happening he put a shoulder to my belly and hauled me over his shoulder. I squeaked in surprise as we were quickly down the hall and then I heard him put his key in the hole and then hit buttons on his alarm panel.

The next thing I knew I was on my back on his bed and my clothes were being ripped off of me and his eyes were heated, hot damn were they heated.

I went to help with my clothes and he ordered, “No. Don’t move.” I threw my arms over my head, panting with arousal. In a flash he had my shoes, jeans, hoodie, socks, tank top, bra, and panties off and I was naked and then he ripped his own clothes off and then he was on his back and I was whipped around so that I was straddling him.

His angry fiery eyes glinted with amusement all of a sudden.

“Three guesses on what I want from you right now but I don’t think you’ll need two and three.”

I swallowed hard, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Then I opened them and looked at him coquettishly and said, in a southern drawl, “Would my Master like me to ride him?”

His teeth skimmed his bottom l*p and he shook his head in astonishment. And then his grip on my h**s tightened but he said nothing. Oh yeah. That’s what my Master wanted.

“Well he is hung like a horse…” I added and batted my eyelashes, watching a twinkle light his eyes.

I reached down and guided him inside of me and I rode my Master. I rode him like I was competing for the trophy not just for Juneau but for the World.noveldrama

Drake’s POV

I couldn’t think straight. I was torn between wanting to be in the moment with her, enjoying this beautiful body and her efforts to bring me pleasure and put on a f**k hot show for me and she was incredible at it but I was struggling because I had a war going on in my brain where I saw b***d. I saw dead Gan Chen, dead Rafe Ruiz, dead Asian b***h from hell. I saw the security guards I’d seen, the chauffeur, the housekeepers, bell boy, the gardener, and the pile of f*****g sick goofs from that dinner party and on the top of the pile of dead bodies I saw a dead Tom Clarke.

Because in my head I’d shot him, too. I’d shot every single one of them between the eyes one by one for the fact that they had taken 19 days to break her, to do whatever they did to kill the spirit of the girl that I’d seen in that bull-riding video.

I pushed the rage back. I had my dream girl here, right now. She was riding my c**k and looking at me with utter f*****g devotion on her face and she still had fire. In bed right now she was on fire and I was thoroughly convinced that as far as out of bed went, she had it deep and it was buried under a pile of brutal bone-chilling s**t but it was still there.

It was f*****g there; I was sure of it as I’d seen a few hints here and there. I never wanted to see her cower in fear from me again.

She was mine because my goddamn uncle bought her for me. Maybe the fire right now came partly from the fact that she had spent two years f*****g in order to survive but I would make sure it was real for me, that I’d make her feel safe and cared for so she’d have no reason to fake it with me. In my head my uncle on top of the pile of dead bodies had a knowing smug look on his face because he’d won, proved that I’d been another chip off the ‘ole block and would take his gift to me and keep her, keep my very own s*x slave.

I decided right then and there that I would find a way to un-break her somehow, even if that meant I had to find a way to completely dismantle Kruna as a wedding gift to her. This was it. This was her. I wasn’t settling, she was what I wanted. I knew it down to my bones. I just needed to be patient, make her feel safe, hope that I could systematically work at unbreaking her.

She started to o****m, still riding my c**k, and much like a move she’d done in that video she whipped her hair from one shoulder over to the other and it spilled down her back and shoulders and her mouth opened in ecstasy.

My right fingers were on her clit and my left ones on her n****e, and as she threw her hair back she let out a sexy moaning husky, “Drake…” And she said it just the way she usually said “Master” when she came and I f*****g loved that.

I flipped her first to her back and then over to her belly and took her from behind, a handful of her beautiful hair in my fist and I drove into her tight silky heat over and over until I came undone. I collapsed onto her back and we were both breathless.

Minutes later I was still drifting ,not to sleep, but off somewhere deep in thought, when I felt her squirm. I kissed her shoulder and rolled onto my back to let her free. She put her chin on my shoulder and looked at me with a little smile, “Bubble bath?”

“Mm. Go. I’ll join you in a minute.” I kissed her forehead.

Her eyes sparkled at me and she nodded and then leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. My hand caught in her hair and I held her to my mouth for a second, feeling emotion bloom inside me. I put my forehead to hers and let out a slow breath. She gave me another smile and then kissed just under my jaw and then got up. I leaned over and swatted her bare a*s with a big smile. She let out a sexy “Oooh” and then sashayed sexily to the bathroom in the buff.

I leaned over to fetch my cell from my jeans pocket and texted Zack to say,

“Juneau ace roadhouse bikini mechanical bull rider winner 2012. YouTube.”

I put the phone on my nightstand and threaded my fingers behind my head and stared at the ceiling, listening to the bathtub fill and thinking that I needed to do something about that necklace on her throat. I wanted it gone. I wanted it gone in a way that wouldn’t stress her out and bring her nightmares back, though.

Three or four minutes later my phone made the text alert sound. I lifted it. Zack.

My friend, I sure hope U R smart enough to grab the bull by the horns.

I grinned and replied,

“Watch it. That’s my future wife you’re ogling there. You still good to meet me at the ofc at 9-10 tomorrow? We need to talk about a few things.”

He replied with a “yep. See ya at 9. Trenta black double sugar Americano pls & thx.” and there was an attachment. I opened it and it was an ogling googly-eyed happy face. What the f**k was a guy like Zack doing with teenage girl emoticons on his phone? The guy was like a 35 year old John Wayne, not a tween girl. I shook my head, smiling to myself thinking that my concerns about Zack judging me were obviously not a concern, not that it mattered all that much, but still.

Angel’s POV

Drake and I had a bubble bath and he was affectionate but quiet. He was definitely preoccupied. When he first came in he caught me shaving my legs and I stopped when he got in the tub.

“I’ve not gone this long without a wax in a long time,” I explained, a little embarrassed and glad he hadn’t come in a minute earlier when I’d been shaving my hoo-ha.

His eyes got broody at that for a second and then he shook it off, “Up the road from here my cuz has a hair salon. She does that s**t. I’ll hook you up.”

I smiled at him, “That’d be great.”

“I’ll take you this weekend, unless you can’t wait that long?”

“That’ll be fine. Thank you.”

He caught me by my h**s and moved me against him. I leaned against his chest.

The bath was nice. Seeing and leaning against Drake’s naked wet muscled body was more than nice. When we were drying off he asked me what I wanted for dinner and I followed him, in his / now my pajamas, as I’d pretty much claimed them as my favorite articles of clothing, out to the kitchen where he pulled a bunch of menus from a drawer.

He threw the Chinese food and Thai food menus to the side and then leafed through a few others.

“I could do Chinese,” I told him, guessing that’s what he wanted but that he didn’t want to subject me to any Asian food.

“You sure?”

I nodded, “Like absolutely junky stuff. Like egg rolls and chicken balls with sweet and sour sauce and rice that’s fried with soya sauce and scrambled eggs in it. And while you hook me up for waxing maybe you can hook me up with a membership to your gym? I’m sure I’ve put on five pounds already since being here.”

He smiled pretty big and adorably and then grabbed my a*s, “Let’s get a ‘lil more junk in your trunk first, my baby.” I nearly swooned on the spot. Then he kissed me quick on the mouth, grabbed a menu from the pile, and then grabbed his phone and as he dialed it he said, “There’s a baseball game on tonight.”

I smiled, “Good.”

“Got an errand so I’ll be a few hours and I’ll pick up the food on my way back. Can you queue up the game for us?”

I nodded and left him to order the food and went and made the bed and picked our recently strewn clothes up from the four corners of the big bedroom and then put his TV on in there and got the channel on for the baseball game. I waited for him on the bed.

** ** **

I’d nodded off but woke up to him leaning over me, kissing my neck.

“Mm,” I leaned into his lips, “You smell like Chinese food.” He had a small shimmery silver gift bag with white handles in his hand. Purple tissue paper corners peeked out. He put it on the bedside table beside me.

I smiled, “What’s that?” and then my heart started beating really loud.

“Presents,” he said softly.

I felt my heartrate pick up even more and my chest felt cold deep inside. I hadn’t been given a present in a long while, not since…since…I broke out in a cold sweat and started to tremble. Hard. I couldn’t take my eyes off the bag.

I heard him, sounding hollow and far away, “Baby?”

I started to tremble harder. He pulled the blankets back and then got in and pulled me over and then under the covers against him, “You sick? You upset? What?”

“I…” I couldn’t form words. All I could see in my head was Jason. Jason’s face, his dark hair, his blue eyes, his big smile, and he was holding a gift bag the same as the one Drake had. I tried to curl into a ball. I couldn’t get myself together. I was hyperventilating.

“What is it, baby? What?”



“I can’t, I can’t.

“Can’t what? What’s wrong?”

“Please. Hurry.”

He looked at me like I was crazy.

“Please, please,” I clutched at his fly and tried to get it open.

He grabbed my hand, “Angel? What can I do?”

“I need, I need…” I was in hysterics, “Hold me down. Take me.” I was whimpering, hyperventilating, clawing at his pants but I had absolutely no sense of coordination.

He said, “Shh,” and then he caught my wrists and he held them over my head and pinned them with one hand. His other hand went down the front of the pajama pants and he started to rub my clit.

“Tell me, order me, please.”

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