Omega Princess

Chapter 46

To say we were all a bit shocked that Reagan's new mate was a dragon was a bit of an understatement. Nobody was more shocked than Eric, who had just come out to welcome his sister home. His mate, Cora, was the daughter of the king of dragons who swore an enemy.

I'm not sure if the gods knew what they were doing, or this was some kind of joke. I wish I could ask Selene that very question. "She would probably just say each have a story to write and play a part." Sasha had interrupted my thoughts. I giggled. Everyone looked at me. "King Drake," I said, motioning to Reagan. "This is Reagan, the new Gamma of the Violet Moon pack and one of my dearest friends."

Drake didn't take his eyes off Reagan and bowed to her. "It is an honor to meet such a distinguished warrior."

Reagan's eyes darted from me to Drake to Eric, back to Drake. "You are a dragon and my mate. I am not sure how or why," she began to rattle on.

Drake reached for her, which she offered. They both felt the sparks as they looked at their hands and back at each other.

"That is great! New friends make an instant alliance," I said. Vincent gave me a look of pure awe.

"Reagan. We were just about to meet in Vincent's office to talk about the turn of events. Do you want to join us? Lunch will be served there."

"My sister is not going anywhere with the dragon that kidnapped you and plans to kill our king!" Eric cut in, walking towards Reagan and Drake. "Your king is a monster!" Drake said.

"Coming from the dragon that wants him dead," Eric said. "I know all about your kind. The king has told me enough."

Eric had reached Drake and they were nose to nose. Both had their chests puffed out. "All lies," Drake said.

Eric went to pull his sister's free hand, but she jerked it back. The look of hurt on his face was hard not to grab my own chest.

"I would like to join you for lunch, Luna. Maybe my brother should come as well. Only if he will behave." She said, looking at him.

"I don't think..." I had started but Eric's look of rage stopped me mid-sentence. "I guess you can come with us too."

I linked the Omegas to bring extra food and drinks. We all headed up to Vincent's office. Drake and Reagan didn't let go of each other. Eric was grumbling the whole way. Once everyone was in, I shut and locked the door.

The food and drinks were set out on the conference table. I sat down and began to eat. "What I'm eating for three now and I'm starving." I said, looking at everyone.

"Congratulations!" Reagan said, coming over to hug me. "I am glad you are back."

"Thank you," I replied. "I am too. Before you returned, Drake, Vincent, and I were planning to meet here to discuss the next steps."noveldrama

Reagan returned to sit next to Drake and linked her hand in his. Eric just scowled. "What do you mean next steps you are home and escaped."

"We did escape but we only knocked them unconscious with the amount of people. It took too much to even do that. Also, there is the matter of Drake and the King."

"Remember your promise." Drake said calmly.

"I did not forget," I responded.

"What promise?" Vincent said.

"I promised him peace and revenge on the king for killing his sister," I replied.

"You did what?!" This came from Eric. Vincent got up and started to pace.

"I know but he has a reason to want revenge. The king kidnapped his sister, shifted into her mate, and had Cash. This lines up as to why Cash is not in the Royal book. According to Drake, after Cash was born, he killed his sister." I said with one breath so no one would interrupt me.

"There is no way he did that," Eric said. "He would have started a war against wolves and dragons."

"Didn't he," Drake said. "When is the last time the wolves have worked with the dragons? Even better, why did none of you know we were working with the Rogue King?"

He waited for a response. "Exactly. The dragons are two few from the wars prior that we could not attack, but we were damned if we would help you."

Drake's amber eyes were glowing as his anger grew. Reagan touched his arm and it brought him comfort and he cooled down.

I took a quick drink. "So we don't know the whole story. There are two sides to every coin. I need to get the King to reveal the truth."

"That is your plan," Vincent said. "And then what? Have all out war when Drake kills the king or the king kills Drake? What about your father? Will he come after you?"

"I haven't gotten that far in the first part, but yes. If the story is true, one will die and eventually there will be a final war with the rouges. I can only focus on one dangerous plot at a time, so we need to focus on how to get the king to tell the truth?"

"Katie," Eric said, looking sad. "You can use Katie. She didn't tell you, but she not only can project her feelings can be like a truth serum for people. She used it on Cash so he would tell her where he put her book while we were at the kingdom. He was even happy to do it." "Interesting," Drake said. "She is like you in a way. Full of surprises."

"You have no idea," Vincent chimed in. He linked me. I will tell you later. She used her powers a bit more when you were gone.

I looked at Vincent. I would have to let that go. I didn't like the idea of getting Katie involved. It was something I would like to avoid.

"Even if he did, you won't allow him to kill him. He is your king. You promised you would fight for him." Eric said.

The room looked at me for an answer. "I promised I would fight for his kingdom. If he did what Drake had accused him, Drake will have every right to call him out and fight one on one. It can be to death or for mercy. That will be left up to Drake."

I looked at Drake. "Remember how I said I would offer you some peace. I would like you to consider your potential outcomes. You will know the truth about your sister by the end of the week. Give me 5 days to work with Katie. Friday we will find out, and I will ensure he doesn't flee." "How are you going to do that?" Vincent said.

"He knows my power. My father also wants him dead. I will revoke my promise if he flees like a coward." Eric looked at me. "He won't risk it. He knows what I can do. I can end his line in one breath."

"You wouldn't." Eric looked like I had just hit him in the stomach.

"As devastating and dangerous as that would be, it is something that I could not avoid," I said. "I was betrayed by my aunt after she feigned remorse. I will not be tricked by anyone again.

"I trust you," Drake said.

"Saturday you will have your right to revenge your sister." I said, turning back to him. His eyes filled with hope. "Just remember is another death worth never seeing your nephew and potentially losing your mate?"

"But..." Drake did not see the problem with more spilled blood. I did.

"I will give you his death if you win and want it. I will not give you his kingdom. That will revert to Cole. If the King loses by death or surrender, his son Cole will reign."

Eric shook his head. Understanding the pitfalls in my plan. "Cole may want blood."

"He won't. I will talk with him before Friday. I will agree to this." I responded, looking at Eric. He knew I could do it. Cole would do anything to keep the peace between Katie, me, and his family. He had even agreed to give up his future mate and become mine. "How will you earn his trust?" Vincent asked.

"I already have it," I said. Vincent looked at me curiously. "No one is going to tell anyone. Eric, you can't tell Cora. She will tell her father."

"I understand." He said.

"Now everyone, please have a great evening and no one bugs us." I said, smiling.

"What about them?" Eric asked.

"What about them? They are mates. Drake will respect Reagan's wishes or deal with me. He knows she is like me sister." I said pointing my finger at Drake's chest.

"Yes, Fillian." he said and Reagan giggled.

"I will see you all tomorrow." I said and, all exited, leaving me and Vincent alone in the office.

"I bet she will be marked by tomorrow." Vincent said. "Do you know how long she has been looking for her mate?"

I laughed. "It was a shock, but I hope it works out for them. They are perfect for each other. I moved to the couch to lean back and put my feet up. Vincent came over, took my shoes off and started to rub my feet.

"That feels so good," I moaned. "Now about Katie before I get distracted."

He smiled and lifted my feet to put them on his lap as he joined me on the couch. "It really was harmless. You see, Cole went back for a week to the palace. She used her powers to get him to promise he wouldn't mate another until she came of age or until his true mate is found."

"She did what?" I asked. Vincent just bobbed his head up and down. "I knew she had a crush. Did she push him to say it?"

"I think she put the idea into his mind. But after he said it, she flipped and used her truth power and asked him if he promised. He agreed and I could have killed him." Vincent said.

"Well, she is going to break many hearts." I said, moving to lean against him on the couch. "Now let's make up for lost time." I smiled and he lifted me and walked us down the hall to his room.

He gently removed my clothes and I returned the favor. He leaned me back onto the bed. Once there, he pulled my bottom to the edge and kneeled between my legs. First, taking me in his mouth. He took me to peak before he moved over me and entered me. I came as he started.

That did not slow us down. I started to arch my back to meet his thrusts. Kissing his mark, he groaned out in pleasure and spilled into me. We lay there for a while wrapped into each other. This was home, he was home.

I was home and as long as I was breathing I would not leave him again. We replayed the bliss a few more times, making sure we took turns pleasuring each other. We ended up in a shower before we were to head down to dinner.

I was super exhausted but we had promised a family dinner with Katie, Millie and his family. It really wasn't fair to keep myself locked away. I did miss my girls.

After we repeated in the shower, we got washed, dried and dressed. Vincent must have also told Millie about the baby as my closet was filled with new maternity sun dresses. It was white with a purple floral print and accentuated my growing bust and showed off my growing stomach.

I looked at myself in the mirror. This was the first time I could enjoy my pregnancy. With all the chaos around us I wanted to savor this moment. Vincent came up behind me and put his hands on my belly. He looked so happy and one of the twins kicked his hand. The dining room doors were closed, so I thought we were late, and they had started without us. When we opened the doors to a loud "Surprise!"

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