Once Upon A Rejection

Part 2 Chapter 13

Molly Morgan’s POV

I thought having to go through exams was going to be the worst part of this week but apparently the moon goddess thought that would be too easy. Sitting in the middle of a crowded exam room while you are in the middle of your heat was much, much worse.

I kept trying to make myself focus on the paper in front of me but I just couldn’t do it. The words all seemed to merge together on the paper as my mind wandered to Grayson and Talen. I couldn’t wait to be sandwiched in between their firm muscular bodies once again.

My skin felt as though it was on fire. Even the feeling on the fabric of my dress made my skin itchy and uncomfortable. I needed to get out of here, I needed my mates. I glanced up at the clock, I only had half an hour before the exam was over.

I rested my head on my hand and started scribbling anything I could think of. I tried my best to answer the questions in front of me but I knew what I was writing was far from my best work. I felt sorry for whoever it was that was going to have to mark my papers. This was probably the worst test they would ever read.

‘At least they can have a good laugh at what you wrote,’ Scarlett said.

I looked down at my paper. Most of it made sense and answered the questions but there were parts when my heat compromised brain had seemingly taken control of my pen. I quickly scribbled through those parts and tried to fix them as best I could in the last few minutes before the exam ended.

This wasn’t good, there were probably lewd references all the way through my exam paper that I didn’t even notice when I was looking through it. There was nothing more that I could do about it now though. The exam was over and the papers were being collected. The invigilator even smiled at me as she took my paper, if only she knew what was on it.

Maybe I should have listened to Grayason’s suggestion. On the car over here he suggested that I wear silver against my skin while I was in my exam. It wouldn’t hurt me but it would be enough to suppress my lycan and my wolf so that the symptoms of my heat would be lessened for a few hours.

Talen, Scarlett and Jade were completely against the idea. Scarlett and Jade had their own reasons but Talen thought that the risk was too high. It would take a good few hours for me to fully recover my strength and I would lose my enhanced senses and healing during that time. Grayson thought that the risk was low with the two of them there to protect me but that risk was still too high for Talen.

They spoke about it for most of the drive over here. It started out as a calm discussion but it ended up as a full argument between my two mates. It wasn’t particularly heated but I hated seeing them argue nonetheless. I hope they had managed to make up while I had been stuck in this exam.

“That was so easy,” June said as we walked out of the exam hall together.

I murmured something incoherently in response causing June to stop walking and look at me. Concern was written all over her face.

“I just need Grayson or Talen,”

Preferably I wanted both of them at the same time. Maybe in the woods behind campus. I am sure that we would be able to find a secluded place to be alone together. The thought was enough to make my feet move quicker. I headed directly towards the courtyard where I had agreed to meet my mates.

“Molly, June, where the f**k have you been?” Ellie shouted.

She was standing about a hundred metres away from me with her hands on her h**s. She looked absolutely furious. Maybe I should be understanding about that. After all June and I left in the middle of the night without any notice other than a text message. It was probably not the best way of doing things but we didn’t have time to plan things better. We were in the middle of a crisis.

‘We don’t have time now, we need to get to our mates right this minute,’ Jade complained.

‘I agree we need to leave now. We need to get in the middle of a lyan, wolf sandwich.’ Scarlett added.

“We had some business we needed to attend to,” I told her. Even to me that sounded like a terrible excuse.

“That isn’t good enough. I was worried that you were in some kind of trouble. You, June and Dominic all went missing. I thought that man had killed all of you,” Ellie continued.

“That man, do you mean Grayson?” I asked.

“Grayson would never hurt us. Particularly Molly,” June said.

“How was I supposed to know that? All I got was text messages and someone else could have hacked your phone to send those to me,” she complained.

It looked as though there wasn’t a quick way out of this. Ellie was visibly upset and she wasn’t the kind of person to get over things easily. I had a feeling I was going to have to do a great deal of grovelling before she would forgive me this time.

“I know we should have done things differently,” I guess I may as well get the grovelling process started.

“I forgive you,” she said.

Wait a moment. That was far too easy, there was no crying and I didn’t even need to beg for forgiveness. There was something wrong here, there had to be some kind of catch.

“I have one condition,” she continued.

Oh, now I see what she was planning. Get me in a corner and get me to agree to do something she wanted. I dreaded to think what she wanted from me but I motioned for her to continue on regardless.

“I want you to meet my boyfriend. He is meeting me in our favourite coffee shop in half an hour and I want both of you to be there.”

Her eyes darted between June and I, I could tell she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. My skin prickled at the thought of having to wait for a few more hours to get the relief I so desperately needed right now.

“We will meet you there,” June replied.

Ellie ran over to us and hugged both of us. As she approached I smelt the scent of a lycan on her. I had a horrible feeling that this new guy she was seeing could be the lycan who’s scent was on her.

I hoped I was wrong, the scent was very faint. It could be that she had just rubbed her jacket against a tree that a lycan had touched but the scent was definitely there.noveldrama

After making our plans we went our separate ways. Ellie had an undeniable spring in her step as she left. I should be happy for her. She found it difficult to meet men and it had been a while since she had been in any kind of relationship but I couldn’t think about that now.

This heat was making me selfish. All I could think about was being back in my mates arms. I walked quickly as I crossed the remaining distance to the courtyard, I was so excited to see my mates again.

When I turned the corner I saw Grayson and Talen sitting on a bench beside Ezra. Grayson and Talen were talking to each other and smiling, their hands were so close that they were almost touching.

They looked like two people who were on a first date together. Who liked each other but were both waiting for the other to make the first move. I don’t know if it was through shyness or through fear of the way I would react. Either way that was something I would have to fix.

As soon as they noticed me approaching they jumped to their feet and walked over to me. Seconds later I was wrapped in two pairs of arms between two strong bodies. I m****d sortly, this felt amazing. It wasn’t exactly what I needed but it was enough to make me feel better. I could feel my mates’ desire rising to match my own through my bonds to them.

“Maybe we should take this somewhere more private,” Talen started kissing my neck as Grayson spoke to me. Maybe we should go somewhere else, even a quick glance around the courtyard made it clear we were getting a few looks already.

“The forest nearby looks perfect, we could even go for a little run together after.” Talen suggested.

“We sort of agreed to meet Ellie and her new boyfriend in half an hour,” June interrupted.

Grayson and Talen both g*****d in frustration but they agreed to go along with it regardless. We decided to walk to the cafe, the cool air against my skin was making my heat feel a little less severe. That was a decision I quickly came to regret.

People kept staring at me. I knew that was because I was being held by two men at the same time but Grayson’s wolf and Talen’s lycan didn’t see it that way. They thought everyone who looked at me was trying to steal me away from them.

I could feel their possessiveness rising with every step we took. I knew it was just because of my pheromones but it was starting to get out of control. It was almost enough to make me consider wearing silver to suppress my wolf and lycan for a couple of hours. It might be an extreme course of action just to get a few hours of rest but I am sure they would forgive me eventually.

As we approached the coffee shop I could see Ellie through the window. There was a man sitting beside her facing away from the window. I couldn’t see his face but I could see how happy Ellie was talking to him. That only made it more difficult for me when I walked in and caught his scent. There was no more denying that Ellie’s new boyfriend was a lycan.

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