Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 49

Chapter 49 Regan POV


I had never fought a rogue before, but I was about to find out how hard it was. As one lunged towards me, I jumped, leaping just clear of it and rolling, before getting to my feet and making mad dash towards the forest that was in front of me. I needed to split these guys up if I had any chance of surviving against them. Snow readily agreed with the plan. I could sense them as they began to split up, hoping to take me from various directions. One jumped and I dodged to the side, pausing and kicking out with my hind legs, sending them sprawling into nearby tree trunk. I winced as I heard the thudding sound they made and when I glanced over my shoulder, I saw their head surrounded by a pool of blood. They were either dead or unconscious. Either way that now left four rogues to deal with. Still not a great number but it was progress.

Two appeared directly in front of me. I swerved, halting in my steps. They growled as I began to hurriedly back away from them. They began to circle me, their eyes glinting with satisfaction. I kept a wary ear out for the last two rogues who were still at large even as 1 kept watch on these ones. They decided to tackle me from opposite sides of each other. I waited until the very last moment and then rolled underneath their bellies, lashing out with my claws into their underbellies and dropping their guts as I

heard their wrambled out from underneath them, wrinkling my nose in disgust at the smell that lingered. I

heard their whimpers as they landed on the ground. I turned. One had fallen and lay on its side, its guts hanging out, but the other one was only minorly injured and keeping its eyes narrowed on me. I had pissed it off now. I swallowed hard, mindful that there were two other rogues besides this one to still fight. The one in front let out a ferocious roar and lunged towards me, but before it could get anywhere near me, two large black wolves appeared from out of nowhere and tackled it, working in tandem to rip its head from its neck and drop it carelessly to the ground. I flinched, knowing instinctively who these two wolves were as they looked at me, snarling angrily. The Alpha twins were pissed and they were pissed at me. Rightfully so. I glared at them, refusing to be intimidated just because their wolves were larger than mine. They snarled again and turned. gesturing for me to follow. I hesitated, but Snow urged me to, the scent of the other two rogues still wafting towards us.

Their wolves are just as angry as their human counterparts are Show advised, so maybe you should keep silent until we get back to the pack house so that you don't anger them any further

I let out a low growl of frustration. The black wolves stopped, their ears pricking. Suddenly one of them glanced towards me, their eyes widening slightly in panic. I moved out of instinc, dodging quickly to the side as a rouge came flying out of nowhere, narrowly avoiding getting hurt. Xavier's wolf, moved, making a ferocious roar, and lunged at the rogue, pinning it to the ground and then clamping his jaws around its neck. He bit, hard, tearing through flesh and bone until the rogue lay dead, a look of anger on the wolf's face. There was still one rogue left. It was nearby, judging from how strong its scent became and I saw Xander's wolf take off in pursuit. Xavier padded away from the rogue and then shifted to human form, glaring at me. I hesitated, not wanting to do the same and face the inevitable music. "Shift" he snapped at me.

Better do it Regan, Snow told me reluctantly, before he uses his Alpha tone..

I shifted ungraciously, grateful to find I still had clothes on, whereas, I suddenly noticed absently, that Xavier didn't and was standing stark raving naked in front of me!

Xavier strode to me, his eyes blazing with anger. "What the hell were you thinking?" he spat out, grabbing me by the chin and forcing me to look directly into his eyes

I blushed, trying to avoid looking too closely at him! very aware of a certain piece of his anatomy that was hard and sticking slightly up while he seemed oblivious to it in his anger. "I just wanted to." I stammered, looking anywhere but at him

"Exactly, you weren't thinking" Xavier roared, looking fit to explode. "You could have died from your mistake. If we hadn't noticed you were missing if patrol hadn't alerted us that there were rogues in our territory, you could have ended up dead, just like your mother" he shouted incensed.

I stiffened. Now he had gone too far. He knew it too by the apologetic look he shot my way, his mouth opening hastily. "Regan, I didn't mean..." he trailed off, looking sheepishly at me

1 shoved him, hard, falling slightly back on my feet. "Yeah, you dad" I told him flatly. "I'm sick of being told what to do" 1

10:20 Sat, Jan 11 DG. Chapter 19

cried, folding my arms across my chest. "You think that because you're the alpha you automatically get a say in my life? Because we're mates that I don't get to choose what I want to do anymore?" I shook my head and poked him in the chest. "Wrong. If this is the way it's going to be then. I threatened ominously. 'Regan don't be hasty" Xander's voice cuts in before I can finishe

1 glance over and my eyes widen as he jogs to me, also stark naked and oblivious, while my cheeks turn a bright crimson red. Are they that unaware of how they looked or were they that comfortable with their nakedness? I bit my lip, glancing slyly down at their member, unable to help my curiosity. They were huge! I felt my mouth go dry and hastily looked elsewhere, blushing profusely.

"Don't be hasty?" I said, holding my hands out and then noting both twins were covered in blood and looked exhausted. "I didn't ask you to come to my rescue. I was perfectly fine. I managed to kill some rogues of my own, didn't I?" I snapped.

They acted as though I was some damsel in distress when I had been holding my own. I glowered at them, annoyed by their constant complaints.

"I was impressed" Xander nodded, taking the wind out of my sails and making his brother glower at him. "You did well considering you haven't been training in your wolf form. But Regan, it's dangerous to go out here and to be in this form. We told you already..." he hesitated. "Who cares? Who's going to find out?" I said rolling my eyes.

They were being overly drainatic. But Xander and Xavier were shooting each other glances and silently communicating with one another. "That's what we were trying to come and find you for. So that we could tell you" Xander said patiently, as Xavier tightened his lips and gave a sigh.

"Tell me what?" I said confused.

They made it sound as though it was something important, but what could be that important they had to come looking for me. I frowned.

"The elders are on their way here. It seems your stepsister and stepmother have contacted them, claiming they were mistreated by your father and abused. They want to be reinstated with full perks, meaning access to the pack house again" Xander explained quietly. "No" 1 shook my head, almost laughing incredulously at them. "No way. My father never laid a hand on them" I refuted. Isabelle and Heather were anything but victims. I was filled with rage that they even dared to declare themselves one. "Can you prove it?" Xavier's voice was sharp as he eyed me closely

I fell silent and bit my lip in chagrin. I couldn't attest to being by my stepmother or stepsisters' side one hundred percent of the time and the twins knew that. I gritted my teeth: "No, but you know this is ludicrous and just a way to get what they want.":

This was just another powerplay by Isabelle and Heather in order to manipulate the elders into giving them what they wanted Anybody with half a brain could see that,

They had always been cunning and manipulative. Xinder looked sympathetic. "We know, but they are also going to be putting our father on trial, for killing our mother. Which means he paused and his eyes moved directly to gaze into mine, his expression changing to one that was beseeching "we need you to testify Regan. We need you as a witness because otherwise, they might convict him of something he didn't do."

No wonder they looked so stressed and frightened, instead of the confident, arrogant bastards they normally were. For the first time in a long time. I looked at the Alpha twins and felt something more than just hatred and anger towards them. I felt sympathy and compassion. I would be their witness, not because they were my mates, but because it was the right thing to do. Unlike them, I wouldn't turn my back on a person who needed my help. It was a shame that not everybody had the same kindness in their heart that I had. Chapter 50

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