The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 29


The sound of our footsteps stomping down the hall echoed around us. We were now in the holding cells, walking towards where Chloe was being held and every guard in the place looked just as pissed off as I felt. They all wanted a piece of her..they wanted revenge for how she crossed every single one of us. Sadly most of these men and women knew Chloe at one point in time. They most likely trained with her when she was a member of Black Stone and even though she was exiled and banned from ever returning it was indeed a betrayal and everyone felt it.

Sadie and I turned the corner, coming towards a dark corridor that was guarded by two large men. They spotted us right away and bowed their heads before stepping aside. Tristan was already here, he was the one getting Chloe prepared for the interrogation and I had a feeling he might have already started without us as the smell of b***d wafted towards us.

Coming towards a large glass room, I peered inside and saw Chloe tied up to a chair. Her l*p was bleeding and I could see a scowl resting on her face that I wanted to smack clean off the moment my eyes landed on her. How could she still have an attitude after all of this?

We stepped towards the door where Travis, and Olivia, two of our warriors, were waiting. They nodded their heads and typed in a code as soon as Sadie stepped forward. I could see the flash of concern she felt as her eyes landed on Tristan..he looked absolutely horrible. I wondered for a moment if he even slept at all last night.

I know Blake was struggling too..he wanted to be here as well but honestly, I wanted to give him a break because he stayed with me for hours last night..just letting me cry and sob into his shirt. Plus I know Laura needed him more than me right now. So many people were affected by this and it makes me even more furious how Chloe was involved..because now she is messing with my family and no one hurts my family.

We stepped into the room, Chloe’s eyes flashing to mine as a wide grin spread across her face. I saw Sadie walk towards Tristan from the corner of my eye as she took his hand and rested it against her cheek. Making his shoulders noticeably relax instantaneously, giving him some type of relief by her just being present.

“Aww, the prick found a mate. Too bad she’s defective.” Chloe scoffed and before I could even comprehend what happened I heard the slap resonating off the walls as my hand stung from the sheer force of the blow.

“I suggest you watch your tongue before I rip it out of you.” I growled, Calypso reaching the surface as Chloe shrunk back, whimpering from the aura pulsing out of me.

Tristan glanced over at me with wide eyes as Sadie looked proud as hell..I know she loves this side of me..and honestly, I’m beginning to like it too..if it means I get to hit Chloe more.

“You won’t do s**t to me because you need me.” Chloe spat, her fake confidence not convincing anyone in this damn room. She was f****d..and I can tell she knew that deep down.

“Why would we need you?” Tristan asked nonchalantly before walking towards a table that had a black bag resting on top of it.

“Because Ozzy will cause a war between our packs to get me back. You don’t understand the power my mate will all regret taking me…mark my words.” She replied with so much arrogance I honestly began to truly laugh like I was losing my damn mind..maybe I was.

“Chloe..he isn’t coming for you..Ozzy doesn’t give a s**t about you..he left you there without so much as looking back.” Okay, I didn’t fully know if that was the truth, but from the interactions I witnessed he didn’t seem to care about Chloe one bit. Also, why would he leave Chloe but take Rowan? It makes no sense.. He already had he must want something else to use Rowan for leverage. Could it be Black Stone’s territory? Or just money in general? It had to be something he didn’t have. And if he wanted Chloe back so bad he would have reached out by would think. Instead he was hiding like a damn coward.

“Why were you chasing after Mila after the explosion.” Tristan interjected, his back still facing us as he began laying things out on the metal table in front of him. I couldn’t help but notice the worried expression on Chloe’s face, the sight alone bringing me satisfaction.

“I wasn’t chasing her..I was trying to find a way out.” She explained, looking away from us as the blatant lie made Sadie roll her eyes. She stalked forward, her hand reaching out and gripping Chloe’s bleach-blonde hair as she yanked her head back hard and pressed a blade to her throat, causing Chloe to shriek.

“I..I.” She began stammering, making Sadie yank harder, causing Chloe to cry out in pain.

Tristan turned around and walked over towards her, his eyes dancing with amusement as he stared down at Chloe with a wicked grin.

“She is losing her Patience Chloe. I suggest you form your words correctly or my mate will just slit your throat. She is known for doing’s something we are working on.” He said smoothly, making Chloe’s eyes widen with fear as hot tears spilled down her cheeks.

“F..fine! He made me do it..we had a plan..” She choked out, making Sadie withdraw her knife with a noticeable frown. I couldn’t help but be amazed at how well she and Tristan worked together. It was almost like the whole good cop bad cop thing like in the movies..but in this case, it was bad cop worse cop.

“Go on.” Tristan looked at her with a bored expression, like he was already done with her story and she hadn’t even begun.

“Well..we..I mean he came up with a plan. He would take me on as Luna and get me what I wanted in exchange for his help.” Her eyes darted towards me before she tried to adjust herself in the chair awkwardly.

“And what did you want Chloe?” I asked, startling her as she didn’t expect me to be the one to say it. I already knew her answer though..I just needed to hear her say it so that I will have more reason to kill her by the end of this..not like I didn’t already.

“You know what I took what I wanted! took what I deserved and what was meant to be mine!” She yelled out hysterically. She looked completely insane and for a single moment I felt bad for her..but that quickly diminished after she opened her trap and spoke again.

“Rowan was mine! I was supposed to be Luna of Black Stone. I was the one he loved..the one he f****d daily until you came and turned him against..” I didn’t even let her finish..well not me..Calypso. She extended her claws before our hand wrapped around Chloe’s throat as the sharp razor-like ends pierced her skin, drawing b***d instantly and making Chloe scream out in pain.

“Rowan never loved you..get that through your sick twisted head..and if you ever loved wouldn’t be doing this. You don’t hurt the ones you love..and now because of you, my mate is in danger..he is suffering and in pain, while you sit here and act like you were wronged when you are the one who has hurt so many people. You are the one who did this! You are the one who deserves to suffer!” I yelled, squeezing tighter as her eyes filled with a fear unlike any I had ever seen. I could feel her life in my hands..I could feel her pulse slowing more and more with every twitch of my hand. I could end it here..I could kill this woman in a single second.

‘Mila..we need to know what Ozzy wanted in the plan.’

I felt Sadie’s hand on my shoulder, making me withdraw my Claws immediately.

I bent down, my mouth close to her ear as I spoke in a whisper.

“This your one chance to prove to me why you should live..So I might suggest you tell us what we want to know…because I have lost all of my patience. One more chance, that’s all I’m giving you.” I said firmly, causing a visible shudder to tremble through Chloe’s body as I loosened my grip, making her gasp for air. It took a few minutes for her to catch her breath before being able to speak again.

“The..the reason why he did all of was because he wanted you.” Chloe choked out, her voice hoarse as she continued to pant and wheeze.

“Me?” I asked out loud, confused why he would want me..

“He was obsessed with you..he knew everything about you. It annoyed the hell out of me but I put up with it because I knew I would get Rowan back once he had you. That’s the only reason I did this..but now it’s too Rowan will die because of you. The only reason he is still breathing right now is because Ozzy knoes it will kill you if Rowan dies..but I guarantee he is already halfway there. You will never see Rowan again unless you give Ozzy what he wants..unless you trade. You can do that right? You can give yourself up to save him..if you really loved him at all you would do that!” She began to yell and scream, her eyes growing frantic as she began to stare at me with such hatred and malice I didn’t know what to say.

“Where is he.” I gritted through my teeth, everything she said fueling me even more…Ozzy was using Rowan to get to me..but why? Why the hell am I so important that my own mate is in constant danger? Why did Marcus want me..and the rogue king. I don’t understand why this keeps happening..It just doesn’t make sense..

“I don’t f*****g know. Ozzy didn’t tell me s**t. I am just as much of a victim as you!” She screamed, making me step closer once more.

“So you have no idea where Rowan could be?” I asked once more..looking her dead in the eye as she met my gaze.noveldrama

“ you think I want Rowan to die? I love him more than you ever could.” She answered, and I knew she wasn’t lying about not knowing where he was. I stared at her for a few more seconds. Feeling such deep hatred for this woman and knowing what I was about to do would be for Rowan my destined mate..for the man I loved more than life itself..I would do anything and everything for him and Chloe doesn’t even know the depths of the love we share..she would never even experience a fraction of that..what a waste of a life.

Once that realization set in..that’s when I reached forward and ripped her throat clear out, watching intently as the b***d gushed down her neck. I made sure to meet her shocked blue eyes, watching as they quickly turned dull and lifeless..and I couldn’t be happier..because she would never hurt my mate again. I made damn sure of that. I’m done playing games.. If Ozzy wants me? Then he will get me..and I can’t f*****g wait.

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