The Reluctant Wife: A Bodyguard – Princess Marriage of Convenience Romance (The Davenports Book 4)

The Reluctant Wife: Chapter 57

“Are you sure about this?” Viktor leans back in his chair.

I prop a hip against his massive desk. “Positive.”

It’s been a week since that discussion at Ryot’s hospital bed. I’ve been in daily to see him since.

He’s been getting stronger every minute, and it’s taken a lot of cajoling to get him to stay until he’s given the all-clear by the doctor.

I’ve used the time to think through next steps for myself, and having come to a conclusion, asked for this meeting with my brother.

We’re in his study in the office wing of the Palace, which doubles as the administrative center for the Royal Family.

It’s decorated in masculine colors to reflect Viktor’s personality. With his dark brooding looks, and a gravitas he’s only recently begun to wear like a Royal cloak, it’s easy to see why the women love him and why the media adores him. If there’s anyone born to be King, it’s my older brother.

“You were born to be a princess. You were brought up to be the face of the Royal Family, and⁠—”

“And I’ve done my duty. I helped save the economy of Verenza from possible collapse.”

“You should have never had to use your marriage as a transaction to bring in money.” Viktor sets his jaw.

I half smile, more than a little touched by my brother taking my side in this. “But I wanted to. The thought of marrying Ryot was never objectionable. I was secretly happy. I was attracted to Ryot as soon as I saw him at the bar.”

Viktor freezes. “You and Ryot met at a bar?”

Oops, hadn’t meant for that to slip out. But I suppose, there’s no harm in revealing the details. “On my last trip to London. I needed a break from the boring official duties and hired a car and chauffeur to take me.”

Viktor blinks slowly. “You went to a bar? On your own?” His shoulders bunch. “And where was your security during this time?” His tone is ominous. Protectiveness vibrates off of him in waves. Gosh, he and my husband are so similar in their alpha-male instincts.

“They weren’t a match for my machinations. That’s why Ryot didn’t want them to be part of my security team when he came on board.”

Viktor’s face grows granite hard. Veins pop at his temple. He looks about ready to explode.

“Either way, it doesn’t matter, because Ryot was there. He saved me from unwanted attention. And now, we’re married. And it’s my turn to keep him safe.”

Viktor’s lips firm. He folds his arms across his chest. “I understand the sentiment. You care for your husband, and you don’t want to have more crazies on your case or paint a bullseye on his forehead, either.”

The one thing I love about my brother? He’s sharp. You don’t have to explain yourself to him twice. “I’ve never enjoyed being in the public eye. Never enjoyed dressing up and playing the role of a princess.”

“You are a princess,” he points out.

“Exactly. I’ve always felt like a fraud.” I meet his gaze steadily. “I’d rather wear jeans and a sweatshirt and be at my computer writing my next book.”

His jaw drops. “You write books?”

I chuckle. Viktor has always been the older brother who I hero-worshipped. I quite enjoy being able to surprise him, for once. “It’s my super-power. It’s the one thing I know I’m good at, better than this princess gig.”

He shakes his head. “Writing books? Who’d have thought?” Then his forehead creases. “So, is that your plan? Step back from Royal duties and become an author? Not that you’ll have to work, given Ryot’s personal fortune.”

“I’m grateful that my husband can provide for me, but I intend to be financially independent. I have a deal with a well-known publisher. With the advance I received, I’m able support the charities that are important to me.”

His frown deepens. “I will never forgive myself for not keeping abreast of the true state of the financial affairs of Verenza.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I should have been all over the economic woes of the country. I should have insisted father share the details of how he planned to invest money. I should have intervened while he was leveraging your potential marriage to fill in the funding gaps.” He straightens. “I’m sorry for how he played with your future to fill the gaps. I failed you, Aura. The least I can do is help you live your life on your terms.”

I smile. “You didn’t fail me, Viktor. You were always there when I needed you. Besides, he didn’t coerce me at all. Everything I agreed to was of my own accord. And what I want now is to no longer be responsible for Royal duties.”

He meets my gaze and whatever he sees on my face seems to convince him, for he nods. “I accept your stepping back from the Royal Family duties, on one condition.”

“What’s that?” I ask cautiously.

“You’ll continue to be on the board of the planning commission to decide how to invest the money brought in by the Davenports.”

I nod slowly. “Ryot told me he spoke to you about that.” I told Ryot I’d think that over.noveldrama

“Your work with charities, and with the people, means you know what is most critical to the country. I hope you’ll consider using it to continue to better their condition.”

I’d hoped for a clean break from my Royal duties, but my past is too interwoven with that of the Royal Family. Besides, I’m only stepping down from my official duties, so I don’t need to be the public face of the Princess anymore.

I still plan to support my father and brothers in any way needed. And if my country needs me—I incline my head. “You know how to play on my weaknesses, don’t you?”

He doesn’t seem repentant. “If it means I can continue to have you involved with the future of Verenza in some form—not to mention, it provides an excuse for me to see you—then I have no qualms.”

I laugh. “You don’t need an excuse. You simply have to pick up the phone and call me. Something you’ve been too busy for in the past.”

He has the grace to look sheepish. “I’m sorry. I can be a selfish ass. But that changes now. You’ve taught me how important my role is for our country. It’s time I fully embrace my duties as king-in-waiting.”

“Hmm.” I tap my fingers on his desk. “Does that mean you’re going to fall in love, get married, and produce heirs soon?”

“Sure, I’ll do what’s needed to deliver on my duty and propagate the royal bloodline. As for love,” he scoffs, “what’s that?”

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