Whore of the Werewolf Billionaire

Chapter 41: Wedding Preparation

Days passed and I spent those preparing for the wedding like any other mortal bride, while Grandmama Jane tutored me in the afternoon at the Lodge of the Luna on what are a Luna's duties aside from spreading legs and bearing babies.

"...and most of all, love him. As if he's the half of your soul."

"I am indeed half of her soul." I do not need to turn around to know that it is Tyler's dark, erotic voice.


"For Stella's sake, Tyler, wear a shirt!" Jane complained.

The grandson only chuckled. "Why not? My Luna would like to see this, don't you,

I swallowed my shame, doubtful whether I should shake my head or give Tyler a nod. "She says no." I met Grandmama's eyes. Tyler narrowed his towards his grandmother and then to me.

Then the bastard took off his jeans, throwing it to me before light flashed in my eyes. A figure of a white wolf galloped outside, hurrying to get out the High Priestess' radar. Grandmama Jane clicked her tongue, tying her silver hair to a bun. "That boy always shows up naked."

"I bet he is." She locked eyes with me.

"Did you and Tyler already sleep in one bed?"

Oh God. Oh, shit.

"Yes. Because he said his room is under renovation so he sleeps with me."

The High Priestess arched her brows, head turning to where Tyler's mansion stood. "I

can't imagine you can sleep with him."

I held my breath. When I was about to reply, she returned her gaze to me. "Tyler always snored, not to mention there's a lot of movements from him when he sleeps. It's more like the three-fourth of the bed is his while yours is only a quarter."

I burst out laughing with her, releasing an air of calmness. I thought she meant the other meaning of sleeping with Tyler. Thank Aurora, it wasn't.

"Anyway, congratulations in advance! Just be who you are here in Stella's Soul. If you're hungry, there's Café del Luna. You can bathe at the Luna's Lake and you can also come to me if you have problems or questions or something is bothering you, here, in the Lodge of the Luna.” I know. The way the term Luna is relevant to most places here in Stella's Soul gives

emphasis on how the wolves took care, even pampered, their mortal women.

"I have a question, Grandmama..."

"What is it, dear?"

I inhaled before resuming. "What do women do here? I mean, the female werewolves..." "Female werewolves can never be pregnant if paired to a fellow werewolf. Some of the male in-house servants here are their husbands. Unlike women, the spouse of she-wolves prefers to work, help in a general sense, than to stay in luxury and do nothing like most of the mortal wives did. I'm not saying that mortal wives only take their husband's money because raising the wolflings or young werewolves have also been part of their job. What I mean is that mortal men prefer something to do everyday such as cooking, cleaning the arena, trimming the grasses in the training field. She-wolves also share their wealth with them, if you're curious." Tyler's grandmother gave me a wink as she sipped a cup of what smells like peppermint tea.     "The Offering Team, do they-"

"No. Mortal men are mostly relatives, friends, and acquaintances of some of the mortal women, who are compelled to promise to remain the secrecy and existence of this world to the world outside the borders of Selena's Wall." Her eyes darted to the glowing gilded fountain of Aurora's Waters as the sun set in the western horizon.

"I trust you, Elaine. Even if, deep down, I shouldn't."

My eyes almost popped out from my face.

  "Why? Why do you not trust me completely?" I simply asked, brushing off the fear

and anxiety that started to boil inside me.

  "The creator of the Hearteaters is a witch..." I straightened my back as she started. "Her name resembles yours. It was Eliane."

"Eliane?" Yes, it did sound similar. The same, even.

"Eliane is the most trusted High Priestess of the Trinity Goddess: Selena, Aurora, and Stella. But, she eventually becomes envious of how the werewolves worship the three deities. She wanted to be recognized, to be known."

"To be worshipped," I added. She waved a hand as if to say yes. "But the werewolves are loyal to the Goddesses. And so, when she met a man who was unfortunately born without a wolf, she preyed upon him."

"What kind of preying?" I braced myself for her answer.

Jane looked away from my forest-green eyes, into the flickering light of the lavender- scented candle, hovering her palm on its flame.

"She promised him that he will eventually have a wolf-she will give him a wolf, in

exchange for worshipping her."

I could not hide my astonished gasp. "Eliane desired to be bowed before, where creatures will look at her with awe and kneel down upon her presence. The Forest Witch eventually managed to gather a dozen of wolfless ones."

She paused when she noticed the emotion that flashed across my face. "Eliane, like me, is a High Priestess. In fact, she's the first High Priestess of Stella's Soul. But she was not a werewolf. Her witchcraft, which originated from another deity, a gift to her bloodline as my predecessors once told me, is the only thing she has the only thing she can wield."

"Eliane was the one who found this spot, the very land where Stella Soul was built upon. She was the confidante of the first werewolves here in Stella's Soul-our ancestors. But her desire and envy burns brighter, made her darker. Made her wield dark magic that we do not even attempt to unearth."

"Her magic made the Hearteaters?"

"Yes," she answered. "And it was also her magic which resulted in their monstrous appearance. Why they are beasts made of shadow and envy, crafted from desire and darkness." "Is it true that consuming hearts are their only source of power?"

"Yes." Grandmama closed the windows and shut the curtains. "They are deadly to both us and your kind. That's why Tyler invited you to stay here until your wedding is over judging by the nature of that last incident."

I know how fatal those motherfucking Hearteaters are. But something inside me felt more curious about their creator. "Did Eliane die?"

Redness on her lips vanished. "She was killed. By our kind."

"She was betrayed?"

; "No. Our ancestors killed her for good."

"Are you sure she is really dead?" My tone became a bit more aggressive. "Considering

she's proficient in dark magic, maybe she's "

"Eliane was a Forest Witch. Yet, she is only a witch. She is no deity...well, more like, she did not get the chance to be one. Considering that you must have a larger number of worshippers to become a Goddess."

"But," my unyielding desire to know more to know what I do not know-definitely would never falter. "How did they multiply?"

  "Just like how werewolves multiply they kidnap mortals and make them their baby factory."noveldrama

What. The. Bloody. Fuck.

  "Let me fetch my cup of tea first. Wait here..."

Could my sister and mother, I mean Mrs. Rutherford and her daughter, be one of their baby makers from now on? Considering I actually lived with Hearteaters for a week since Tyler

said the Rutherfords died at the beach on that day when I met those beasts...

'Go. Go with them Elaine. Before they kill us!' The voice of Mrs. Rutherford played again in my mind, the moment before the Offering Team took me away from Melissa's house and shoved me

in that white wedding dress and laid me atop the stone table.

So if they are Hearteaters at that time... 'Before they kill us!'

Is Mrs. Rutherford, I mean the Hearteater impersonating Mrs. Rutherford, referring to the

werewolves by the 'they' in 'Before they kill us!"?

'Before they kill us!' I thought she meant the Offering Team bearing weapons as props

when they barged into the house to come and fetch me.

  It turns out she, the Hearteater, was referring to the werewolves.

But the question is, how did they know I was to be offered as a bride to the Hearteaters?

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