Whore of the Werewolf Billionaire

Chapter 53: The Sacred Ceremony of Marriage

"We are gathered here today for this sacred ceremony, where Elaine Winona of the mortal realm shall be bound under the light of the Worm Moon to Tyler Jane Moonstorm, Alpha of the Silver Pack, Protector of Stella's Soul, Guardian of Moonburn, and the Stormbringer."

'Breathe, Elaine. Breathe...' I repeated to myself as I looked at Jane's face directly. "Before the commencement of this matrimony, is there anyone who would like to go against this lunar union?"

'Don't go to the wedding, Elaine...'

I ignored the whispering words. I looked around, searching for Rowena because she's the only one I knew who would go against this wedding.

But only silence answered back.

"As of 12:12, no one would dare to go against the lunar union of Elaine Winona and Tyler Jane Moonstorm," Jane, with her silver hair swinging, took a deep breath. "Let us begin."

It became windy, so windy that my veil threatened to rip apart from my hair. Thanks to

Nicole he managed to pin it in place before I sprinted earlier to this wedding.

"Before we start the unity ritual, let us all stand for the Invocation to the Goddesses." The audience stands altogether and that mesmerizes me. Under this veil, I looked Tyler in the face. The latter just gave me a brief grin and returned his eyes to the altar.

"Oh Great Goddesses, you light the night with your brightness, guide our day with your mightiness. May the grace and blessings from the power of three under one belief shall shower over us," they began praying and I was left listening. I never heard Tyler or Jose or any of them pray solemnly. Not until now.

"I put my faith in Selena, the eldest of the Three, she who makes the moon shine may light up our sky in times of the darkest. Oh Selena, bright and pure, the giver of our gifts, the one who bestows the breath of every wolf, hearken us!"

I continued to listen to them, their voice is one, unbending and devoted.

"I believe in the Ruler of the Stars, Stella, the might of light, the weaver of dreams. May

you listen to the dreams we keep on dreaming."

I remained silent, lips pursed, composed and observing.

"I celebrate the gloriousness of Aurora, the youngest, the Lady of Dawn, she who bathes

us in ten folds of gold, she who showers us with wealth and health. We pray you heed our call. Guide us in each day that we may remain unyielding like the rise of dawn," they stop for a

heartbeat as they pound their chest with their fists as they speak the last part of their invocation. "Oh Lady of Hope! Oh Ruler of Stars! Oh Queen of the Moon! We put our faith in you, we believe in you, we celebrate you!"

The prayer ended and I was left in awe. I could have clapped my hands if it wasn't locked with Tyler's.

"You may now sit down," said Jane.

  I sat in the flowery chair beside Tyler, who is on my left and I am on his right.

The High Priestess Jane has muttered more words, mostly pertaining to their belief from the Book of Moons. I was left listening and the twenty-minutes preach almost sent me to a slumber if it wasn't for Tyler's presence—his scent sending me in a garden of serenity.

"It is now the time for our Handfasting Ritual." Tyler willed me to stand as he hoisted my hands in the air. Jose and Meah, who bear a ribbon of blue and silver respectively, approached


"Before that, let the Alpha mark his bride as his and the Luna to the Alpha as hers. Let the Marking of the Mates commence."

Tyler's hand slid to my neck and lingered there. I almost shrieked when his fangs sank in my skin and it tingled. It's sore but not that painful.

  Tyler then tore his tuxedo, revealing his six-pack abs. Meah handed me two pairs of silver fingernails.

; Grandmama Jane gestured to me to scratch Tyler's chest in a cute roar-roar motion of her hand.

I quickly slid the silver fingernails. And, with a swift swipe of the sharp silver nails, red blood flowed from his chest but it immediately faded into four curve lines. A scar on his chest and a scar on my neck. Those are the Marking of the Mates.

; "Let us begin the Handfasting." Grandmama Jane nodded to Jose and Meah, then to Tyler and me.

"I, Tyler Jane Moonstorm-" he started, Jose tying the blue ribbon around our entwined hands. "Alpha of the Silver Pack, Protector of Stella's Soul, Guardian of Moonburn, and the Stormbringer, will take Elaine Winona of the Mortal Realm as my wife, friend, mate, master, and servant until our hearts cease to beat together. I will give my words to her to remain committed, mutually loving, and sexually equal in this union. My body shall be her body. My heart will beat with hers. My soul will be bound to hers. We are one, from now until death claims us."

I smiled at him and he smiled back, sweetly. The smile I see when Tyler's back to himself,

to being the fluffy dog I know and the thoughtful fiancé I once knew.

Meah then extended the silver ribbon as she slowly tied our locked hands atop the blue one as I spoke my vows. "I, Elaine Winona of the Mortal Realm, will take Tyler Jane Moonstorm, Alpha of the Silver Pack, Protector of Stella's Soul, Guardian of Moonburn, and the Stormbringer as my husband, friend, mate, master, and servant until our hearts ceased to beat together. I will give my words to him to remain committed, mutually loving, and sexually equal in this union. My body shall be his body. My heart will beat with his. My soul will be bound to his. We are one, from now until death claims us."

The ribbons felt tight as we squeezed each other's hands. Tyler grabbed from Jose a silver ring with blue diamond surrounded by tiny pearls and slid it to my hand, ignoring the ribbons. Meah appeared beside me and I slid a silver ring with a diamond that shone as moonbeam cast its way at us and slid it to his hand.

All I notice is that a pool of tears starts to escape from his eyes. I wanted to wipe those tears away with my thumb so badly but I couldn't. So I just blinked at him, once. He blinked back twice at menoveldrama

"Happy tears," Grandmama whispered with a delightful smile.

I beamed at her.

"By the power of the Three invested upon me, the couple may now seal this union with a kiss." Tyler slowly lifted the white flowing veil, my face wet with waterworks thanks to this one heaven of an emotional night. His thumb brushed my lips. And before I could blink, Tyler Jane Moonstorm's lips crashed into mine.

And on the night of March 29th, I, Elaine Winona-Moonstorm, savored the kiss of my now-husband. I could only hear the standing of people and the sound of them clapping and cheering as we seal this union with a passionate kiss.

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